
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Its a wrap

Baring unforeseen snow and colder weather, the 2014-15 skiing season is at an end. Thanks to all the families and kids who participated in Wildwood Jackrabbits this year. A particular thank you as we (James and Adam) got our skis under us in our first year of coaching.

Today's wrap-up party was great! I know there were quite a few sceptical parents out there when we said skiing was a go (we were a bit sceptical too), but I am happy to say that it all worked. The snowball biathlon was a hit and it was good to play some of our favourite games one last time. Thanks to the Wildwood Community Club for supplying the drinks and snacks for the party.

Here are some pics from the last ski of the year.
Have a great summer and hope to see you all next year!

Shorts and Skis!
Snowball Biathlon

Friday, March 13, 2015

March 14 Wind-up ON SKIS (and hopefully snow)

What would a Jackrabbit wind-up be without skis!

James and I were out with out skis tonight to check it out. It is pretty sketchy, but we think there is enough snow for some games (as long as there isn't too much melting tonight). There is too much snow for anything else so it is either skiing or nothing. Skiing it is!

We'll meet at the **baseball diamond** to the right of the clubhouse. The soccer field is awful and the hills on the golf course is basically grass. The baseball diamond has snow still (or at least did at 9:00 this evening).

The plan is to play some games including (if we can pull it together) a snowball biathlon. Chips, pop, and treats afterwards in the clubhouse (main floor). The jackrabbit toques are here as well as the progress books and stickers for the year.

See you Saturday for the last ski of the year!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wrapup party this Saturday the 14th

The big question- will we have snow enough to ski on Saturday?

With the rather aggressively warm weather of the week, our snow is quickly disappearing. On the one hand, yay for warm. On the other hand, it would be great to have even one or two more weeks of skiing!

We are going to have our wrap-up party this Saturday. If by some miracle there is still snow enough to ski after this week, we'll keep going.  We'll ski 'til we see grass by gum!

We'll send out an email with more details Friday once we know what the trails will be like (or if there will be trails!). Plan A is some skiing with some games and a windup at the community club. There will be all sorts of goodies (provided by the community club - thanks!) and the Jackrabbit Toques are here! (sorry they are late - we are chalking that up to first year mixup on our part).

It has been a great season. thanks for being part of it!

James and Adam

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 7

The weather is going to be great. Enough said.

Skiing, games and good outdoor fun.
Lets get out there and ski before all the snow melts!

See you Saturday!