
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Registration Open!

Hello Jackrabbit Families!

Fall is fully upon us and we are gearing up for another great winter of skiing fun! Registration for Jackrabbits is now open.

 You can register online using Zone4 here:

 Here are a few notes about registration.

  1.  All members of the family who will be skiing should register (parents and kids). 
  2.  There are 2 levels of registration: - Family 1 - for any number of adults and 1 child - Family 2 - for any number of adults and more than one child. 
  3.  you have an option to make a donation towards the trail maintenance for the Wildwood trails. This is totally optional, but a good opportunity to contribute if you wish. If you do wish to contribute, the minimum contribution is $10. 
  4.  Please make sure you check off the "opt in" for the group emails on the individual registrations. Every person can have their own email if you wish. The opt-in is right below the email on the registration. 
  5.  if you registered last year and saved your registrations, you can log in this year and pull everything up again so you don't need to re-type it all (may be a good idea for next year!) 

Some people can't start coming until later int the fall or January. That is totally fine. However we would ask people to register sooner as opposed to later so that we can plan for the year. Also we want to get the Jackrabbit kits ordered early so that we have our toques for most of the season!

 The first session is Saturday November 5 at 10:30 - 11:30 at Wildwood Community Centre soccer field. If you have any questions about Jackrabbits, gear or anything ski related please shoot us an email. We can also chat at the sessions. our email is We are looking forward to another great year!

 Coaches Adam, James and Ted

Monday, October 3, 2016

2016 Startup Pre-News

With winter just around the corner (well around the corner and down the street a bit, but still coming!) people are starting to think about the ski season. So are we! We have had a few conversations and are starting to put the plans together for the year. There will be lots more info coming, but here is what we know so far:

  • Adam, Ted and James will all be back as coaches. 
  • We will likely be starting up in early November - probably November 5th (we are just finalizing plans now). 
  • Registration will be open in the next few weeks. 

There is more information about the program on the "about" page (it will also be updated shortly for the new season) and you can always email us if you have questions

Snow Snow Snow!
(too soon?)