
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Thanks for a great (though short) season!

Well, even by our standards, we can no longer deny that the season has come to an end. Thanks to those families who came out for a ski at Birds Hill. It was really icy, but a good last ski. 

A special thanks this year to our new coaches - Sarah, Chad and Emily, who came on board in this bizarre time and helped make the program possible. And a very special shout out to Emily, who is finishing her Masters, studying Architecture at U of M this year. We don't know what the future holds for her or where she will be off to, but we wish her well! We have really enjoyed her enthusiasm and passion for skiing. And if she happens to find herself in Winnipeg next year we would be thrilled to have her back!

Watch for emails in the fall as we hopefully get back to some normal programming!

Until then have a great spring and summer!

Adam, Ted, Sarah, Chad and Emily
Coaches, Wildwood Jackrabbits

Friday, March 12, 2021

March 13 - Ski/Hike at Birds Hill Park

Wildwood ski trails are done. Windsor park has closed official use for the year, but the trails (what is left of them) are technically open. The season is drawing to a close. Some would say it is over. They are probably right. 

We have been watching the trail reports and it looks like Birds Hill might, potentially, be somewhat skiable... on some of the trails... with minor portages necessary. Basically it is pretty sketchy. 

But, ever the optimists, and with nothing else on our agenda for Saturday morning, here is the plan: the coaches are going to Birds Hill tomorrow. We may ski. We may hike. If anyone wants to come along and take what nature gives us, we'd be happy to have you! (zero pressure!) Bring your skis, bring your hiking gear, and bring a snack and water. We will be there at 10:30 and will organize... something. It is also a good chance for families to do some exploring on their own too. There are lots of great hiking trails there!  

We'll meet at the Chikadee parking lot. Watch for the Jackrabbits sign!

A reminder that Park Passes are required for provincial parks. 

If you'd like to join us please indicate in teamsnap and we'll watch for you. 

We are canceling all the remaining sessions. If we can go out again we will, but it looks like the season has come to an end. 

Thanks for a great (though shortened) season. We really enjoyed skiing with you all this year, even (or perhaps especially) in these strange times. We may have one or two more notes this year, but watch for news in the fall about next year. 

Friday, March 5, 2021

March 6 - Snowball Biathlon

We still have snow! And it is warm enough that we can do another one of our traditions - the snowball biathlon! This is often one of our end of season days since we need enough snow to ski, but it needs to be warm enough for snowballs.  Group 1 is going to lay out the course and the rest of us follow, staggering the groups. Several of the coaches have been out over the past little while, and if the tracks maintain their consistency, it will be great for double pole work. 

A reminder that we are still observing all provincial health restrictions, including:

  1. If you are sick, stay home. Including being in contact with people who are (or may be) sick.
  2. use TeamSnap to record your attendance (for contact tracing) and for health screening. 
  3. Masks are required. Neck warmers don't count. 
  4. Maintain 2m physician distance at all times (parents/caregivers your help here is important). 

We have 4 coaches this week, so there is a small change in the groups. Look to your email for the details.