
Monday, December 15, 2014

Cookie Party Next Week!

Great skiing this Saturday! It was rather warm, but not too wet. This week we divided up into Jackrabbit (6yr+) and Bunnyrabbit (<6yr) groups for a bit. Feedback on how that worked would be helpful. There is quite an age range and having some of the younger ones focused on the basics, with the older ones looking at more skill development seems like a good approach.

Good thing we got that skiing in when we did!  Windsor Park Nordic Centre has closed it ski trails for now because it has just been too warm. So lets hope for cooler weather and some snow to get things back to normal. Maybe we should have done a snow dance!

Here is the plan for the next few weeks over the holidays. Either Coach James or Coach Adam (and likely both of us) will be around, so, weather permitting, we will be having Jackrabbits as per normal. If family stuff doesn't align with skiing, that is totally fine, come when you can.

December 20th with be a cookie party. We'll have skiing as per normal, then meet in the clubhouse for hot chocolate and cookies. Families are asked to bring a plate of cookies to share. We can then toboggan, ski or visit.

December 27 and January 3 will be Jackrabbits as per normal.

If you haven't registered yet, please email us so we can put you on the list. We are sending the registration package off by December 27 and ordering all the Jackrabbit toques!

if you have any question please call or email.

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